The moment of your first breath the stars and planets all joined together to create your natal chart. Astrology takes that moment in time and uses all the continuing rotations and aspects they form to provide the energy that brings life to the chart. This is the all the potential that exists for the native. All the planets, signs, and houses in the chart have their higher and lower expressions. How the native uses these energies is all about their Free Will.


Every year the Sun returns back to the exact same position as it was in the sky when you were born. This annual event is your Solar Return and occurs around your birthday. This chart looks at the next 12 months and what the focus will be for the native. Will the focus be travel, relationships, work, or home?


The Moon returns to the same degree as your natal Moon every month. This chart gives the native a flavor of the current month. It narrows down the time frame of the chart giving it a much more “now” feeling. Breaking down the year into monthly segments gives a more manageable view of the overall year and a monthly focus for the native.