ARIES: Cardinal/Fire/Masculine. Ruled by Mars. Key Words: Leadership, passionate, energetic, excitable, physical movement, dominate, self-focused, aggressive, blunt. Polarity: Libra.

TAURUS: Fixed/Earth/Feminine. Ruled by Venus. Key Words: Grounded, practical, patient, stubborn, money, property, material possessions, beauty, nature, strong and sturdy. Polarity: Scorpio.

GEMINI: Mutable/Air/Masculine. Ruled by Mercury. Key Words: Lively, energetic, communicative, clever, quick thinking, associated with duality, life-long learning, multitasking. Polarity: Sagittarius.

CANCER: Cardinal/Water/Feminine. Ruled by the Moon. Key Words: Motherly, receptive, intuitive, food as a form of nurturing, emotional, protective of loved ones, moves in cycles like the moon, family, security. Polarity: Capricorn.

LEO: Fixed/Fire/Masculine. Ruled by the Sun. Key Words: Creative, heart-centered, optimistic, romantic, passionate, center of attention. Rules children and inner child. Play. Polarity: Aquarius.

VIRGO: Mutable/Earth/Feminine. Ruled by Mercury. Key Words: Detail-oriented. Intelligent, organized, clean, modest, hard-working, truthful. reserved yet caring. Typically loves animals. Polarity: Pisces.

LIBRA: Cardinal/Air/Masculine. Ruled by Venus. Key Words: Artistic. Concerned with beauty and anesthetics, fairness. Concerned with relationship and the needs of the “other.” Dislikes conflicts. Polarity: Aries.

SCORPIO: Fixed/Water/Feminine. Ruled by Mars (traditional) and Pluto (modern). Key Words: Intensity, loyalty, obsessive, secretive, high intuitive. Very secretive, likes discovering secrets of others. research. Risk-taker. Polarity: Taurus.

SAGITTARIUS: Mutable/Fire/Masculine. Ruled by Jupiter. Key Words: Adventurous. Loves to travel and meet people from foreign places. Open-minded. Focuses on the bigger picture, allows others to fill in the details. Philosophy, spirituality, and religion. Polarity: Gemini.

CAPRICORN: Cardinal/Earth/Feminine. Ruled by Saturn. Key Words: Patient, responsible, goal-oriented. Cool exterior, dry sense of humor. Aloof, hard-working. Strategic rather than forceful. Ambition. Polarity: Cancer.

AQUARIUS: Fixed/Air/Masculine. Ruled by Saturn (traditional) and Uranus (modern). Key Words: Nonconformist. Group-oriented, interested in “greater good for humanity.” Strong opinions. Freedom, change, chaos. Impulsive, electric. Polarity: Leo.

PISCES: Mutable/Water/Feminine. Ruled by Jupiter (traditional) and Neptune (Modern). Key Words: Creativity and intuition. Mystery, mysticism. Impressionable. Lack of self-awareness. Rose-colored glasses. Polarity: Virgo.